
Young Learners of Chinese Need Basal Reading Programs 国际孩子中文启蒙读,基石阅读是第一步

What Is a Basal Reading Program?
A basal reading program is a core reading program that is used to teach children to read. The basal reading program acts as the basis for the lessons that teach children reading skills. The Basal reading program is a well-known concept in English learning. And it is a very successful approach to language learning.

We have bought the concept forward to teach young Chinese language learners to read Chinese. It was so successful that led us to design and develop the Chinese 1-2-Tree product which started with basal reading series.

Chinese 1-2-Tree basal series comes with individual identical books for students, a lesson plan, and a collection of worksheets/activities, and assessments. They are used to teach foundation reading and associated skills to schoolchildren. We recommend a basal reading program as it can be much beneficial for young learners in reading and understanding. They are practical and easy to implement in the classroom.

Chinese 1-2-Tree basal series covers all aspects of reading learning (Chinese character awareness, fluency, vocabulary, comprehension, assessments, and activities) in a systemic, explicit, and comprehensive way. They are intended to teach children to read at or above grade-level expectations and give them all the skills they need to make reading progress.

Our basal readers provide a base for teachers to use. Teachers are encouraged to supplement the core reading program with other texts and activities. Our basal readers bare little resemblance to the dry, repetitive texts that are common in Chinese textbooks. They include interesting and relevant stories, challenging vocabulary words, and learning instruction.

From Radical to Hanzi 从偏旁到汉字

The 2/3 Stepstone Reading



  • 第一阶基石,从笔画到偏旁字干
  • 第二阶基石,从偏旁字干到汉字
  • 第三阶基石,基本字应用和理解


这里给大家呈上一本 预备读基石二阶之样板工作册《忄》,点击链接可免费下载。如打印,请设定打印尺寸为A5。

派发给学生试用时,建议老师先不作讲解,待学生做完后再看学生完成的成品,说不定结果有惊喜呢 😘


Nursery > Pre K > Lower Primary > Upper Primary > Middle School … 从幼儿到中学……学龄期起码持续14-15年。






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A Basal Reading for You to Explore: Seeder Level 1B “三个一”

Scaffold Leveled Passage



😄 Seeder, Level 1A  一级播种A

学生认知多少个汉字时,老师们可以为学生起步开展阅读课程,前段时间我们曾做过一次Vote。很意外的,Vote 结果高居第一名的是20个汉字,鹅很高兴有这么多志同道合的老师哎。Vote 结果第二名,正是传统中文教学上认为的300字。下面给师友们呈上我们建议为学生展开起步阅读的20个种子汉字:

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人  大  头  上  下  天  日  月  星  个



How The 6-Root-Stroke System Works To Make Up Any Chinese Character 怎样用笔画构建任何汉字

The written form of the Chinese language is composed of Chinese characters, called Hanzi. Regardless of hundreds or thousands of Hanzi, each hanzi is made up of 6 simple strokes and their transforming strokes – the Chinese Character Alphabet, or Hanzi Alphabet 汉字字母表. Just like strokes assembled, here all Hanzi come.

The 6 simple strokes are called Root Strokes as the entire Hanzi in written where comes from. These 6 Root Strokes are named héng shù piě nà diǎn tí. Play the video to watch how the young kids sing and wave their fingers of these Root Strokes.

Each Hanzi is pronounced in sole-syllable in Pinyin. People can start with Pinyin (an alphabet tool for Chinese speaking) to learn how to speak Chinese. Meanwhile, people can start with the Chinese Character Alphabet to learn how to write Chinese. This means people can learn Chinese speaking and Chinese writing separately for their needs.