Title of the presentation: A new teaching roadmap from Chinese characters to complete reading comprehension
Presenter: Laura Wang, Beijing Mandarin H.K.
EST: 8/03, Wednesday, 9:00 p.m.
Hong Kong Time: 8/04, Thursday, 9 am
In order to cultivate non-native-speaking elementary school students to smoothly acquire the complete ability from literacy to reading comprehension. All attendees will be presented a new learning roadmap with showing the content, class construction and acquisition pathway, students learning load, etc.
讲座题目: 从汉字字母出发,到完整阅读理解能力的新教学路线图
讲师: 王丽琴 (Laura Wang),香港北话学堂 (Beijing Mandarin H.K.)
美东时间: 8/03,星期三,晚上九点
香港时间: 8/04,星期四,早上九点