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news-image 5 月 24 2022

What the Chinese Character Alphabet Is 什么是汉字字母表

by Laura Wang

Chinese Character Alphabet, we proudly introduce it to you as it originated in Beijing Mandarin in 2005. And it was officially recognized by NCAC 国家版权局 (National Copyright Administration of The People’s Republic of China) in 2013. Nowadays it is the easiest way to get your young student started to learn written Chinese.

These 6 simple strokes and their transformed strokes consist of the alphabet for the written Chinese – Chinese Character Alphabet 汉字字母表. Each Chinese character is pronounced in sole-syllable in Pinyin. People can start with Pinyin (an alphabet tool for Chinese speaking) to learn how to speak Chinese. Meanwhile, people can start with the Chinese Character Alphabet to learn how to write Chinese. This means people can learn Chinese speaking and Chinese writing separately for their needs.