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news-image 4 月 18 2022

How The 6-Root-Stroke System Works To Make Up Any Chinese Character 怎样用笔画构建任何汉字

by Laura Wang

The written form of the Chinese language is composed of Chinese characters, called Hanzi. Regardless of hundreds or thousands of Hanzi, each hanzi is made up of 6 simple strokes and their transforming strokes – the Chinese Character Alphabet, or Hanzi Alphabet 汉字字母表. Just like strokes assembled, here all Hanzi come.

The 6 simple strokes are called Root Strokes as the entire Hanzi in written where comes from. These 6 Root Strokes are named héng shù piě nà diǎn tí. Play the video to watch how the young kids sing and wave their fingers of these Root Strokes.

Each Hanzi is pronounced in sole-syllable in Pinyin. People can start with Pinyin (an alphabet tool for Chinese speaking) to learn how to speak Chinese. Meanwhile, people can start with the Chinese Character Alphabet to learn how to write Chinese. This means people can learn Chinese speaking and Chinese writing separately for their needs.