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news-image 6 月 06 2022

Starting to Learn Chinese Has Never Been Easier 起步学中文比您想得容易太多

by Laura Wang

People used to say that the Chinese language has no alphabet and that learning Chinese is a very difficult task for a foreigner. Nowadays this hearsay could be gone forever.

If you know how to pronounce 26 English letters you can jump to start speaking Chinese immediately. The only left is that you have to learn is the 6 root strokes and their transforms you can easily put strokes to compose Chinese written form at once. How simple and exciting to start learning this beautiful Asian language?

Now let’s get a bit serious about it. There are two Chinese language systems that are independent of each other and made up of the Chinese language. One is made up of the speaking of Chinese, and the other one is made up of written Chinese. People can make use of these two systems to get along with the Chinese language.

The speaking of Chinese is made up of the alphabet that adopts the 26 English letters, called Pinyin or Romanized Hanyu Pinyin. The writing of Chinese is made up of 6 simple drawings and their transforming drawing called strokes which are made up of all Chinese characters.

These 6 simple strokes, called Root strokes, and their transforms consist of the alphabet for the written Chinese – Chinese Character Alphabet 汉字字母表. Each Chinese character is pronounced in sole-syllable in Pinyin. People can start with Pinyin (an alphabet tool for Chinese speaking) to learn how to speak Chinese. Meanwhile, people can start with the Chinese Character Alphabet to learn how to write Chinese. This means people can learn Chinese speaking and Chinese writing separately for their needs.